Sacramento Delta Cruise
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Transit Connections
The AC Transit 50 bus goes to the Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal (and the Oakland Airport).
50 West Schedule: http://www.actransit.org/riderinfo/schedules/50-WB-WD.html
50 East Schedule: http://www.actransit.org/riderinfo/schedules/50-EB-WD.html
Transit Connections Phone Numbers and Web Links:
AC Transit (510) 817-1717 www.actransit.dst.ca.us
Amtrak (800-USA-RAIL) www.amtrak.com
BART (510) 465-BART www.bart.gov
Blue & Gold Ferry Svc. (415) 705-5555 www.blueandgoldfleet.com
Bay Area Transit Info. 511 www.transitinfo.org
Golden Gate Transit (415) 923-2000 www.goldengate.org
MUNI (415) 673-6864 www.sfmuni.com
San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority (415) 291-3377 http://www.watertransit.org