As part of the City’s Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry Marketing Action Plan, we are recruiting members of the public for an informal rider volunteer group. Volunteers will assist the City and Harbor Bay Maritime with day-to-day PR and outreach activities to increase ridership. Karen Bell has generously agreed to be the day-to-day contact person and group coordinator. Ernest Sanchez will oversee volunteer activities for the City.
We need help with the following. The list is not in any particular order.
1) Explore sponsorships with businesses such as the Oakland Raiders, Peet’s Coffee and Tea, Harbor Bay Club, Safeway, Albertson, etc.
2) Explore cooperative advertising opportunities (onboard posters, ticket backs, etc.) with businesses.
3) Explore viability of distribution of AHBF tickets at locations such as Safeway and Albertson’s.
4) Coordinate “sponsor a new rider” efforts. Under this program, riders recruit and pay for a new rider. While this can be done anytime, there will be two 2-week two periods during which this is promoted among the riders and supported with PR. The first 2-week period will be in November after the conclusion of the Marketing Action Plan September campaign. Timing of the second 2-week period is TBD.
5) Contact businesses interested in providing discounts to AHBF riders. Develop with City and Harbor Bay Maritime a means of coupon distribution.
6) Solicit paid advertising for placement on the AHBF web site.
7) Research and identify grants from Green/Sustainability organizations.
8) Identify and staff information booths at community events, transportation fares, malls, etc.
9) Draft short articles and press releases as needed. Place articles in local media in San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Hayward, Alameda, etc.).
10) Solicit no cost placement of AHBF information in homeowner publications for Islandia, Casitas, Garden Isle, etc.
11) Develop a “press kit” to aid in solicitation of advertising and business-to-business partnerships.
If you are interested, please e-mail your: –e-mail address(es) –Phone numbers: work and home –Indicate (by number) which of the above activities you are willing to help us with. email:[email protected]